Sexual Addiction Treatment Los Angeles


Sexual Addiction Treatment Los Angeles

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Sexual addiction therapy is a courageous journey of self-exploration and healing, where I will help you confront the complexities of your desires and behaviors in a safe and supportive environment.

I look to gain your trust in a space that is comfortable enough for you to feel you can begin to explore and share your deepest fears and vulnerabilities without judgment. I will be with you, not as an authority figure, but as a compassionate ally, ready to walk alongside you on your path to recovery.

Sexual addiction therapy is a means to gently explore your intricate web of thoughts, emotions, and experiences that patternistically contribute to your addictive behaviors. Together, you and I—as your therapist--will look peel back the layers of shame and guilt, uncovering the underlying wounds and traumas that may be driving your compulsions.

As you delve deeper into the depths of your psyche, you will begin to unearth the root causes of your addiction. Perhaps it stems from childhood trauma, unmet emotional needs, or a distorted sense of intimacy and connection?  Whatever the origins may be, and whatever uncomfortable truths present, I will be there with you to confront these painful truths and help these negatives translate toward your own healing process.

By understanding the root causes, you can begin to break free from the cycle of addiction and reclaim control of your life. We will explore, find, and identify your particular triggers and cravings.  I will work with you toward providing you healthy coping strategies to navigate these demons without you’re resorting or regressing to harmful behaviors of the past.

Sexual addiction therapy is about more than just breaking bad habits; it's about identifying and conquering various known “demons” or “inner-critics,” and rediscovering your sense of self-worth. With this, you can then rebuild healthy relationships within yourself, and with others. You will learn to embrace your flaws and imperfections, perhaps adjusting your own perception and moving to a deeper self-kindness and self-understanding.

Over time, you may begin to witness profound transformations taking place within yourself. The once overpowering urges and cravings begin to lose their grip, replaced by a newfound sense of personal empowerment and freedom.

Whether here in Los Angeles, or the  vastness of the world at large, sexual addiction therapy is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and I will work with you one courageous step at a time. The road may be challenging, but knowing that you are worthy of love and support, you’re sense of personal Agency will grow…one step at a time.