Anxiety Therapy los Angeles


Anxiety Therapy Los Angeles

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In order to understand and take on anxiety disorders, you first need a safe and supportive space in order to feel understood, accepted, and validated as to your experiences.

First and foremost is for you to feel you are in a place whereby you soon feel you are in a safe, trusting environment.   When you feel you are being fully seen and heard, you can naturally move to a place where you feel comfortable sharing various fears, worries, and vulnerabilities.

As we explore and you gain a deeper understanding as to your own particular experience of anxiety, it’s triggers, symptoms, and impact on your life, you will begin to understand the “why” your experience with anxiety has been where it’s been.

Part of this understanding is Psychoeducation (the “why I am the way I am”) question.   By demystifying anxiety, understanding its roots, and normalizing your experiences, I look to help reduce any stigma of shame, empowering you to be move more actively toward the changes and comfort level you seek for yourself.

This exploration will most likely involve looking at the underlying factors (past traumas, maladaptive beliefs, or unmet needs).  We will look to uncover these root causes of anxiety.  Personal insights will be very helpful—and necessary—to move toward a place you’d like to be.

This work may also involve some Cognitive restructuring, or “thinking differently” or “feeling differently” in order to challenge maladaptive thought patterns and beliefs that—in the past— have left you feeling doomed or without hope for change.  I look to help you find more balanced and realistic perspectives, which help reduce overwhelming feelings of distress.

Newer techniques incorporate mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and grounding techniques, all can be helpful to regulate your emotions and manage your anxiety symptoms in the present.  This self-compassion are helpful tools in our deeeply ingrained battles with stress and uncertainty.

Stress and Panic Disorders may have us utilizing Exposure Therapy in a safe and controlled manner.  By gradually confront certain fears, you gain confidence and stonger resilience over time.

Each individual or person has his or her own personalized demons to conquer. As such, we will find personalized coping strategies of self-care practices to manage your day-to-day struggles. Utilizing practical tools and resources, you will build your own sense of agency and mastery over our “demons” or “inner-critics” that we’ve battledin the past.

Realize that among your progress and achievements toward your goals in taking on your anxiety, there will be setbacks.  You don’t erase anxiety, you learn to cope with what you are feeling, and learn to deal with anxiety’s most debillitating aspects.  As such, I will also be supporting you, helping you to realize and accept the positive changes you have been making toward this end.  This will help strengthen your inner sense of hope and optimism for the long term, enabling you with other supportive tools along the way so that your learned empowerment continues well beyond therapy.