
Why do we self-hate?  Why do we not accept the love of others?  It all speaks to self-esteem, and starting by learning how to love ourselves.

My Distraction Sickness — and Yours

This Andrew Sullivan piece is a richly ruminative exploration of the internet's influence on our culture, as well as our spiritual lives.  

"A regular teen Snapchat user, as the Atlantic recently noted, can have exchanged anywhere between 10,000 and even as many as 400,000 snaps with friends. As the snaps accumulate, they generate publicly displayed scores that bestow the allure of popularity and social status. This, evolutionary psychologists will attest, is fatal."
"The threat is to our souls. At this rate, if the noise does not relent, we might even forget we have any."

Read the full article by Andrew Sullivan in New York Magazine